Call for Submissions Fall 2018 (Closed)

Coeditors Laurie Grobman and Deborah Mutnick seek submissions for the Fall 2018 volume of Reflections: A Journal of Public Rhetoric, Civic Writing, and Service Learning. Continuing a nearly 20-year history of leading writing and rhetoric’s scholarly and theoretical study of service learning, public rhetoric, community writing, civic writing, and community literacy, the journal publishes wide-ranging and innovative work on community-engaged writing.

We welcome any submission that takes up enduring issues of community-engaged writing and public rhetoric, especially those that reverberate in new ways with present concerns. We also hope during our term as editors to feature articles that interrogate the impact of Trump’s presidency on community writing wherever it occurs from after-school literacy programs and senior centers to homeless shelters, prisons, food coops, or local museums.

For example, how have campuses and communities been affected by austerity policies? Islamophobia, racism, and sexual violence? Anti-immigrant rhetoric and policies? How has the rise of white nationalism or manufactured “fake news” affected your classroom or community? How do questions of minoritized dialects and world Englishes circulate in community-engaged writing? In particular, we welcome attempts from the perspective of community-engaged writing to theorize such questions in relation to deepening threats to our collective wellbeing.

Deadline for submission is August 15 for definite consideration for the Fall 2018 issue, but we welcome submissions year-round. Please also look for a call for articles from Wendy Hinshaw and Tobi Jacoby for a special issue on prison writing in Spring 2019.

For book review queries and submissions, contact our new book review editor Romeo Garcia at

For more information on editorial guidelines, please visit Please also email Laurie and Deborah at with any questions.