Reflections and Transitions

The editorial team of Reflections is proud to announce several important transitions:

First, Reflections is preparing to become a fully open access journal in early 2019, beginning with Volume 18, No. 2, and will begin using Open Journal Systems (OJS) for the submission and review process.

The journal will be a joint publication of New City Community Press and the Penn State University Libraries Open Publishing, and will begin licensing all new content using Creative Commons (open access) licenses.  We are excited to expand the readership of the journal and to more widely circulate the knowledge generated by the journal’s authors, past, present, and future.

Second, the transition to open access has delayed the publication of Volume 18, No. 2, which will be published in March 2019 and called Volume 18, No. 2 Fall 2018-Winter 2019. 

All subscribers through 2018 will receive print copies of Volume 18, No. 2 Fall 2018-Winter 2019. All subscribers through 2019 will receive print copies of Volume 18, No. 2 Fall 2018-Winter 2019; Volume 19, No. 1 Spring 2019 (special issue on prisons and community writing); and Volume 19, No. 2. Fall 2019. Reflections is still accepting subscriptions for 2019 for those who want print copies. Please use our subscribe feature.

Third, at this milestone moment in the journal’s history and in the field of community-engaged writing, we have renamed the journal Reflections: A Journal of Community-Engaged Writing and Rhetoric.

The Reflections website, newly redesigned by our new website manager Dr. Heather Lang, will be updated as the transition to open access proceeds.

Finally, stay tuned for information about Reflections’ 20th anniversary issue, Volume 20, No. 1, Spring 2020.