Digital Photograph: “Our Lady of Perpetual Blood Quantum” by Qwo-Li Driskill with Michael Floyd


The image depicts a person nearly naked. They are light skinned, with red facial hair and dark body hair. They wear a purple powwow dance shawl over their shoulders and are seated behind a large chemistry flask. They have a serious expression on their face, and their eyes are directed slightly away and beyond the viewer.

The flask sits on the center of a surface covered in a yellow-gold colored fabric, with four tea light candles placed on the surface’s four corners. Behind the person are lights that form of a halo. A curling red ribbon appears to be either flowing into or rising out of the flask, connected to the person’s left hand, which is extended and open towards the viewer. With two fingers, the person’s right hand touches or points to a tattoo at the center of their chest. The tattoo depicts Water Spider, a central creative figure in a Cherokee creation stories.

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