We need your minds, not your money. Come to my home’: An Invitation to Community Literacy from Kamp Katrina by Carla Maroudas, Denis Crlenjak, and Dawn M. Forno

This article presents The Kamp Katrina Project, a community literacy partnership with Kamp Katrina residents in New Orleans. Kamp Katrina is a colony for displaced artists, musicians, and low-wage earners. In this article, Kamp Katrina residents relate their stories about life in post-Katrina New Orleans after the levee failures devastated the city (now exacerbated by the recent BP oil disaster). As part of this article, we enclose the documentary short Kamp Katrina: A Love Letter to New Orleans, one of several community texts including a book of photography and a website (http://public.csusm.edu/kampkatrina/) where visitors can access video biographies and performances and
learn how to support Kamp Katrina.

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