Interviews with Melanie Yergeau, Beth Ferri, Nirmala Erevelles by Allison Hitt & Bre Garrett

The format for the following interviews may seem a little unconventional, but that also keeps with the theme of this special issue: smart scholars offering insight in ways and genres that have been traditionally positioned as unconventional. Instead of highlighting one interview for this issue, we place three scholars in conversation about the possibilities of disability studies specific to each scholar’s work. Margaret Price defines “crip time” as “a flexible approach to normative time frames” (62), and our interviews operate in crip time, too. Instead of speaking with scholars in a conventional, synchronous interview format, we emailed them questions to answer at their leisure—on their own time, in their own space. Because we feature asynchronous interviews, these responses resist the typical “flow” or back and forth of traditional interviews.

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