Call for Submissions: Volume 19, Issue 2, Fall 2019

Reflections currently seeks submissions for Volume 19, Issue 2, Fall 2019. Reflections publishes scholarly research articles (18-30 pages); brief profiles of community-based writing and civic engagement organizations, partnerships, programs aimed at disseminating information and sharing models from which other faculty, scholars, and administrators can benefit; brief project/course profiles of community-based writing and civic engagement that are not developed into research articles but address course objectives, logistics, obstacles, successes, and ideas for further iterations of the course; undergraduate research articles; reflective or personal essays that contribute to our collective understanding of the subfield’s scope and definition; interviews; and a variety of genres produced by project participants that often emerge from community-engaged writing partnerships.

Submission guidelines are available at Look for an announcement about access to our new portal through Open Journal Systems for the submission and review process.

Please send inquiries to