Excerpts from Espejos y Ventanas: Mirrors and Windows by Mark Lyons

It is time for Latino immigrants in the United States to take back their stories-stories that have been rewritten by people in a campaign to
drive them out of the United States. The revised stories read in the press and heard on the streets, promulgated by mayors and legislators and citizens who have a vision of America the Way It Used to Be, go something like this: our towns are being taken over by brown-skinned
immigrants who drive our crime rate up and overwhelm the criminal justice system; these immigrants drain our economy, sucking our resources for schools, healthcare and welfare programs; they take away jobs from Americans and drive our wages down; they don’t really want to be American-they stick to themselves, won’t learn English, and are only here to take advantage of our way of life while refusing to contribute to it; and now, post 9/11, they are a terrorist threat. Citizens, we are being invaded; take back your communities before it’s too late.

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