Volume 4, Number 1, Winter 2004

 “I’m just gonna let you know how it is’: Situating Writing and Literacy Education in Prison” | Tobi Jacobi

“Where Lifelines Converge: Voices from the Forest Correctional Creative Writing Group” | Laura Rogers

“Disturbing Where We Are Comfortable: Notes from Behind the Walls” | Lori Pompa

“Prison 101” | Shane R. Hillman

“Telephone Conversation with a Five-Year Old” | Jesus Vega

“Who I’m Is” | DaVetta Penn

“Moon” | Carolyn Benson

“First Year Composition and Women in Prison: Service-based Writing and Community Action” | Lisa Mastrangelo

“Learning Disabilities Among the Incarcerated” | Terra White

“Mail Call” | Jerrald Morris

“Between Ivy and Razor Wire: A Case of Correctional Correspondence” | Tom Kerr

Drawing | Ivan Hermosillo Ballines

Who Will Watch the Watchmen? A Response to the Patriot Act” | Robert Brown

“What Lies Between US” | Lauren Ehrlichman

“ Each One, Teach One: Starting a Poetry Class Behind the Walls” | Leonard Gonzalez

“From a Boy to a Man” | William Roy Barfield

“They Said…” | Thomas Schilk

“Do You Hear What I Hear? Voices from Prison Composition Classes” | Phyllis G. Hastings with Jim Morrison

“Looking Down to See Up: A Prison Epiphany” | Adam Ortiz

Excerpts from “Graffiti as a Sense of Place” | Jonathan Hayden and Arvilla Payne-Jackson

“Where I’m From” and Other Poems” | Poets of The Nancy Jefferson Alternative School

“Prison: A Way of Life” | Derek E. Gray

“Not a Rite of Passage” | Lenzell Franklin

“Rhythm of the Machine: Theater, Prison Community, and Social Change” | Martin Mitchell

“Black Winged Stranger” | Hector Gallegos

“Hands” | William T. Lawson

“Christmas” | Carl McCoun

“Revolving Doors” | Sabrina Smith

“Lewisburg Blues (excerpt from “The Big House”)” | A. LaMont Gainey

“A High Crime Area” | Fred Berthoff

“500 Angry Men: Drama and Meta-drama at the “Big House” | Lorraine Moller

“The Return: On Writing a Play in Prison” | Edwin James

“Banging the Bars Together” | Richard (Dirk) Pitt

“Review of Making Time: Letters from Jean Harris to Shana Alexander” | Dennis Sobczak

“Review of The Soul Knows No Bars: Inmates Reflect on Life, Death, and Hope” | Phyllis Hastings

“Review of Couldn’t Keep it to Myself: Testimonies from Our Imprisoned Sisters” | Gretchen Schumacher & Deborah C. Smith

“Review of Wall Tappings: An International Anthology of Women’s Prison Writings 200 to the Present” | Clarinda Harris

“Review of Inner Lives: Voices of African American Voices in Prison” | Candice S. Rai

“Review of Sing Soft, Sing Loud” | Linda Caldwell

“Afterword: Rewriting the Story of Prison Literacies” | Patricia E. O’Connor